But first, a closer look at cows!
I bet you think you know a lot about cows, right? Sure, they are a basic farm animal that gives us milk, but I bet there’s a few things you don’t know about cows. Check out some of the resources below. See if you can learn two new facts. Post your two facts on our “Cow Facts” Facebook post. Click here to go to our FB page.
Cows! Learning about cows for kids- Primary (K-2)
Cows are Awesome!– Intermediate (3-5)
Kiddos in grades 2-5, click here for a few more fun facts [that you probably don’t know] about cows!
It’s virtual field trip time!! Who’s ready to go to the farm?!?!?!
Both of these virtual field trips are appropriate for both age groups. The second link contains a little more information and extends the learning, but still neat things for younger kiddos to see.
360 degree virtual field trip by Discovery Education Click here.
Virtual Field Trip by the Dairy Alliance Click here.
And now for the chemistry experiment…
This is a super fun and beautiful chemistry experiment that uses milk. And it’s easy…. they’re just breaking down molecules 🙂
Materials: milk, Q tips, dish soap, bowl/deep plate, food coloring
A note to moms, dads & supervising adults: Some of these links go to YouTube. As long as they watch on the webpage, it won’t go to YouTube. The virtual field trips and facts go to different webpages outside of our blog. Please make sure to monitor your kids as they are watching the attached videos and using the attached links and resources.
If your kiddos liked this activity, we do similar experiments in some of our camps: Jr. Chemist (ages 4-5), Young Scientist (ages 6-8) and Chemistry Concoctions (ages 11-15). Click on the camp title to go to the description.
i really like these videos they’re really helpful as my school is shut
Glad to hear! Let us know if there’s something specific that you’d like to learn about or do.
I love this site and your great work! We are tuning in daily to keep the kids busy. We can not thank you enough for educating about science and making it fun and entertaining! Love it!
You are more than welcome! Although Matt and I now own Club SciKidz, we were both teachers, so we still know how to put together an engaging lesson that kids not only enjoy but learn from 🙂 We are so glad that we can help moms and dads out. Let me know if there’s a specific topic or question you’d like to see an activity about.
thank you for sharing this cool experiment with us to keep us happy during such dark times. it is really fun to have a k break from worrying.
Happy to help when we can! And I agree, it’s calming watching the beautiful colors swirling and morphing.
Thank you so much for posting these daily experiments. My 10 year old twins have looked forward to “science” everyday during our new homeschooling experience. It is most appreciated. Hope to see you all at summer camp!
So happy to hear! And yes, we are looking forward to summer camp as well. Of course we are monitoring the situation, but are hopeful that our state’s swift action will be successful and summer will bring a fresh start. At this point, we are working and planning for summer as normal and as scheduled.
approximately how long does each lesson take?
There is really no set time. It’s designed so that it can be quick or extended. Most of the science experiments themselves take less than 15 minutes. A good ballpark for the cooking activities is an hour (including set up, clean up and bake time). The additional videos and resources can be used to extend, probably about 15 extra minutes if you use/watch them all.
This works with soy milk and rice milk, too!
I visited a farm before.