Who’s ready to do some baking?
Today we will be doing a baking activity. Easter is coming up and this year’s plans will probably look a little different than last year’s. I was looking through Pinterest trying to find a cute, festive dessert to make things special, but all I found was picture-perfect desserts that no mere mortal could recreate– especially with help from the kiddos! Baking with kids is a lot of fun, but you need to be realistic with your goals 🙂 What we ended up with are Colorful Surprise Bunny Cupcakes. The outside is a cute, fluffy bunny and on the inside you’ll find a bright & colorful surprise. They are tasty and cute, but most importantly easy to make! I made them with a 2 year old and an 8 year old.
Ingredients: 1 box white cake mix, water, eggs & oil as directed on cake mix, large marshmallows, 1 can of white frosting, food coloring, pink sugar/sprinkles, jellybeans, candy eyeballs
Equipment: cupcake pans (hold 24), cupcake liners, 1 large bowl, whisk/large spoon, 4 small bowls, 4 spoons, a couple paper plates, knife
Substitutions: (Let’s face it, you might not have or be able to get all of these things– here are suggestions on how to make it work with what you have.)
- You are welcome to make “from scratch” cake and/or frosting. But also feel free to just use the mix & premade. No judgement 🙂
- No pink sugar? You could use any kind of sprinkles or colored sugar. You can also take regular sugar and dye it with just a drop of red food coloring.
- For the nose, we used jellybeans, but you can use anything: m&ms, chocolate chip, Skittles… be creative!
- For the eyes, most of you probably don’t just have candy eyeballs laying around. You can go without eyes (they are still cute), or use a chocolate chip, or color a little of the icing and make a dot for the eye
- Food coloring: You can use pastel or neon, we used the regular kind. Add a few more drops than you normally would to help keep the colors bright and vivid during baking.
Now that you have all the details, grab the kids and get baking! We’d love to see pictures of your finished product. And enjoy! And for the kiddos who want to know what baking has to do with science, let them know it’s a huge lesson in chemical reactions! 🙂
these are too cute!!!