All About Matter
First, congratulations, you’ve made it three days and well on your way through the fourth! Enough of that, let’s get busy. For today’s activity you are going to want to do this one OUTSIDE. Before we head out into the fresh air and sunshine, we need to go over the basics. You’ve all learned about the three states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Did you know that there’s [sort of] a fourth??? Before we get to the fourth one, let’s review the first three.
States of Matter for Kids (K-2)
What’s Matter– Intermediate (3-5)
Did you say there was a 4th state of matter?
We did. Sometimes matter has properties of more than just one kind. What you will be making today has properties of both a solid and a liquid! It is called a Non Newtonian Liquid. Remember, this experiment is really best done outdoors and if there’s more than one kiddo, it’s best if everyone does there own 🙂 There’s no fighting in science 🙂 Now roll up your sleeves, head outside and get ready to create the 4th state of matter!
Supplies needed: bowl & spoon (per child– ideal if it’s disposable but doesn’t have to be), water, corn starch and food coloring
Digger Deeper– Intermediate (3-5)
For our older kiddos who maybe want a little more information about Non Newtonian Fluids, check out the following video.
What exactly is oobleck and where did it come from?
Oobleck actually comes from the Dr. Seuss book called Bartholomew and the Oobleck. In the story a sticky green substance, oobleck, falls from the sky and wreaks havoc in the kingdom. It’s about 20 minutes long, but it’s everything you love about Dr. Seuss.
Bonus Baking Activity: Honey Joys
Just like oobleck has properties of both a solid and a liquid, so does honey. They are both Non Newtonian Fluids. I promise that this tasty treat is not near as messy and tastes delicious! You only need 4 ingredients: Cornflakes, butter, honey and sugar. You’ll also need cupcake pans with liners.
So cool! We had Oobleck going in pink and purple. The boys marveled at the dual solid and liquid properties. Perfect project for the deck on a nice day.
This was fun. We were surprised by how the oobleck felt on our hands. Emma can now say the three states of matter.
Great job, Emma! And I agree, the oobleck does feel weird. It’s very cool though!